FAQS about Deep Souls
Is this a course on religion, and do I have to be religious to take this course?
No, and no. It is true that the world’s religious traditions shape much of our spiritual experience, and most religious people identify as spiritual. But you don’t have to subscribe to, or be a member of any particular tradition to benefit. The course will offer a way to think about the relationship between religion and spirituality that many people have found to be particularly helpful.
Do I have to believe in God (or some particular god), or will someone try to convert me to such belief?
Again, no and no. This course handles belief in a pragmatic fashion, looking at outcomes or consequences as they relate to particular spiritual paths, regardless of theology. You can be an atheist or agnostic or whatever. And there’s no sales pitch for one path over another, or to leave a path you’re already on. We’re more interested in YOUR spiritual experience and practice, and how belief may shape that experience.
What happens if someone else in the cohort is offensive or harassing to me or people with my particular background (religious, ethnicity, sexual preference, etc)?
First of all, this course is likely not a good fit for people out to judge and convert others to “their way.” Second, the cohort operates under a covenant of conduct that will require all participants to agree to. If anyone violates that covenant, they may be kicked out of the cohort without a refund. We won’t tolerate harassment, belittling, or other forms of aggressive, immature behavior.
I’m already part of a spiritual path/tradition; how will this course help me out more than, say, something within my own tradition?
The main benefits for you are to assist you in deepening your experience within your tradition, connecting with other deep souls from that and other traditions, and offering new ways of dealing with the common marks of any spiritual path. We think this course can help you understand your tradition in a new light, and give you clarity and resources for your journey ahead.
Does the teacher of the cohort have a spiritual background/practice, and if so, what is it?
Yes. Chad follows a somewhat unconventional Christian path. He is ordained in a protestant tradition committed to unity (the Disciples of Christ), has deep pastoral experience in churches and schools, most notably as a former Dean of Spiritual and Ethical Life at Deerfield Academy. He holds three degrees in religious history and philosophy, and has been on the advisory board and board of directors of the Massachusetts Council of Churches. He has had and maintains extensive contact with other traditions: in Christian-Jewish-Muslim dialogue; through working with a Holocaust education nonprofit and teaching about antisemitism; teaching all the major world religions in academic and faith-based settings; and thru identifying with Buddhism as a second home. He sees part of his work as interpreting these traditions to people who inherited them and don't know what to do with them or the communities that formed them (and conversely, interpreting religious cultures people have to live in, but don't share).
What if I can’t make the Thursday times for the live sessions?
Every effort will be made to offer session times that work for all participants (everyone will be surveyed after enrollment). Recordings of sessions will be made available for replay in the event you have to miss – we understand life happens!
Are there payment plans available?
Yes! We offer two and three month options through Paypal. If you need an alternative arrangement, contact us at info@humanwealthpartners.com with your need.