So how would you answer this question: is business the problem behind, or the solution to, our collective ills?
As trust in social institutions continues to plummet, many people today are looking to business to provide meaning and purpose. Where else to turn, after all, when political institutions are gridlocked, education seems ineffective, and religion is, well, complicated? Business, at its best...
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At some point in their careers, most executives come across management guru Peter Drucker’s dictum that culture “eats strategy over breakfast” (or lunch, depending on the version they read). Drucker’s point was that culture takes priority over, and can in fact derail, any strategy one might pursue in the course of fulfilling an organization’s mission. That is, any strategy that fails to be generated by, or account for, culture has the potential to itself be thwarted.
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If cash is king in financial matters, culture is king in relational matters. But compared to cold hard cash, culture—whatever it is—often feels fuzzy to practically minded folks. Culture doesn’t tend to respond to quarterly earnings deadlines, and yet it is far more important to short-term and long-term outcomes. It provides the underlying structure for what might be possible.
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